[galileo] JVM terminated exit code = -1
I didn't understand why It happened.
I'd already set the JAVA_HOME as JDK 1.6 home.
Anyway, when Eclipse starts, it doesn't refer the %JAVA_HOME.
So, I had to add the "-vm" option to the eclipse.ini file.
There is the most important thing to set up.
JDK1.6 doesn't work for eclipse Galileo.
When I started the Eclipse using JDK1.6, It couldn't get response from the program.
I installed "jre1.5" to start it up.
referred links
I tried all the solution still didnt find my luck.Lastly i got it resolved by pointing to client jvm.dll in eclipse.ini file
I made a series of trials which you may find useful if you face the same and not getting resolved yet