4/20 Ugly war
adjective /ˌrep.rɪˈhent .sə.bl ̩/ formalDefinition
If someone's behaviour is reprehensible, it is extremely bad or unacceptable
(도덕적으로) 부끄러운, 비난받을 만한
reprehensible conduct/actions
reprehensibly adverb /ˌrep.rɪˈhent .sɪ.bli/
adverb /ˈlɪt.ər.əl.i/, /-rə.li//ˈlɪt ̬.ɚ.əl.i/Definition
• informal used to emphasize what you are saying 정말로
He missed that kick literally by miles.
I was literally bowled over by the news.
• having the real or original meaning of a word or phrase 문자(말) 그대로
They were responsible for literally millions of deaths.
We live literally just round the corner from her.
You'll lose marks if you translate too literally (= one word at a time).
• informal simply or just 그야말로
Then you literally cut the sausage down the middle.
verb /dɪˈsmem.bər //-bɚ/ [T]Definition
• to cut, tear or pull the arms and legs off a human body (사람의) 주검을 훼손하다
The police found the dismembered body of a young man in the murderer's freezer.
• literary to divide a country or an empire into different parts (나라.기관등을) 분할하다
The UN protested at the dismembering of Bosnia.
noun ( REQUEST ) /pliː/ [C]Definition
formal an urgent and emotional request 애원, 간청
He made a plea for help/mercy.
the Pentagon
noun [S]Definition
the building in Washington where the US Defense Department is based, or the US Defense Department itself 미 국방성
The Pentagon is aiming to cut US forces by over 25 per cent in the next five years.
plural noun /rɪˈmeɪnz/Definition
pieces or parts of something which continue to exist when most of it has been used, destroyed or taken away
The remains of lunch were still on the table.
We visited the remains of a 12th-century monastery.
human/sb's remains
formal someone's dead body or the remaining parts of it 잔해
Fifty years after he died, his remains were returned to his homeland.
Human remains were found in the woods.
verb ( SHOW ) /rʌn/ (running, ran, run)Definition
[T] to show something in a newspaper or magazine, on television, etc
All the newspapers ran (= printed) stories about the new peace talks.
Channel 4 is running a series on the unfairness of the legal system.
verb /ɪnˈsaɪt/ [T]Definition
to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent 선동하다
She incited racial hatred by distributing anti-Semitic leaflets.
[+ to infinitive] She was expelled for inciting her classmates to rebel against their teachers.
They denied inciting the crowd to violence.
incitement noun /ɪnˈsaɪt.mənt/ [U]
[+ to infinitive] They were imprisoned for incitement to commit grievous bodily harm.
noun /ˌɔː.θenˈtɪs.ɪ.ti//ˌɑː.θenˈtɪs.ə.t ̬i/ [U]Definition
the quality of being real or true 진실, 진본
The poems are supposed to be by Sappho, but they are actually of doubtful authenticity.
The authenticity of her story is beyond doubt.
plural noun /ˈpær.ə.truːps//ˈper-/ (UK informal paras)Definition
(a military unit of) soldiers trained to be dropped from an aircraft with a parachute 낙하산 부대원
paratrooper noun /ˈpær.əˌtruː.pər//ˈper.əˌtruː.pɚ/ [C] (UK informal para)
Paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines to capture key points on the roads into the city.
noun ( TRAINING ) /ˈdɪs.ə.plɪn/Definition
[U] training which produces obedience (= willingness to obey) or self-control, often in the form of rules, and punishments if these are broken, or the obedience or self-control produced by this training
parental/military/school discipline
There should be better discipline in schools.
I don't have enough (self) discipline to save money.
(good) discipline
the ability to control yourself or other people, even in difficult situations
Maintaining classroom discipline (= control of the students) is the first task of every teacher.
verb /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒər //-dʒɚ/ [T]Definition
to put someone or something at risk or in danger of being harmed, damaged or destroyed
위험에 빠뜨리다
He would never do anything to endanger the lives of his children.
We must be careful not to do anything that might endanger the economic recovery.
noun ( BAD EVENT ) /bləʊ//bloʊ/Definition
[C] an unexpected event that has a damaging effect on someone or something
Losing his job was a severe blow to his confidence.
Her death came as a terrible blow to her parents
verb /ˈjʊə.rɪ.neɪt//ˈjʊr.ɪ-/ [I]Definition
to pass urine from the body 소변보다
noun /ˈtes.tə.mənt/ [C or U] formalDefinition
proof 증거
The detail of her wildlife paintings is (a) testament to (= proof of) her powers of observation.
verb (UK usually dehumanise) /ˌdiːˈhjuː.mə.naɪz/ [T]
to remove from a person the special human qualities of independent thought, feeling for other people, etc. 인간성을 말살시키다, 비인간적으로 만들다
It's a totalitarian regime that reduces and dehumanizes its population.
Caught up in
get caught up in sthto become involved in something, often without wanting to
They were having an argument and somehow I got caught up in it.
A string of 일련의
And the reason for that 그렇게 권고한 이유는
adverb /ˌɪn.ədˈvɜː.tənt.li//-ˈvɝː.t ̬ənt-/Definition
not intentionally 고의가 아닌, 의도치 않은
He inadvertently deleted the file.
adjective /ˈɪn.fə.məs/Definition
famous for something considered bad
The list included the infamous George Drake, a double murderer.
He's infamous for his bigoted sense of humour
corpsenoun /kɔːps//kɔːrps/ [C] 시체, 송장
a dead body, usually of a person
vs Corps
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